Pomodoro technique


The Pomodoro Technique is a simple and effective time management method that helps IT professionals increase concentration, productivity and efficiency. This technique is based on the principle of working in a focused mode followed by breaks.

Step 1: Set a timer for 25 minutes

Choose a task you want to accomplish and set a timer for 25 minutes. This time frame is called a “tomato” (hence the name of the technique).

Step 2: Focus on the task at hand

For 25 minutes, focus completely on your chosen task. Avoid distractions, turn off notifications on your phone and computer so nothing interferes with your concentration.

Step 3: Take a break for 5 minutes

After completing each tomato, take a five-minute break. During this time, step away from your desk, stretch, take a couple deep breaths, or drink some water. This break will help you relax and restore your energy before your next tomato.

Step 4: After four tomatoes, take a long break

After completing four tomatoes (i.e. 4 cycles of work and breaks), take a longer break of 15-30 minutes. This will give you a chance to rest, stretch and prepare for the next session of work.

The Pomodoro technique allows you to break up your work into intervals, which helps you use your time more efficiently and keep your concentration high. In addition, regular breaks help prevent fatigue and improve productivity. Try applying this technique in your work and gradually develop your time management skills with the Pomodoro method.