The “Time Blocking” technique


The Time Blocking technique is an effective way to manage working time and increase productivity. It is based on the idea of dividing your working time into blocks and setting clear time intervals to accomplish certain tasks.

Step 1: Identify your tasks

Make a list of the tasks you need to accomplish. Categorize them according to their priority and type of work.

Step 2: Divide your time into blocks

Divide your work time into blocks, each of which will be allocated to specific tasks. Determine the duration of each block according to the type of task and your preferences. For example, you may have a block for reading documentation, a block for coding, a block for meetings, etc.

Step 3: Time Blocking

Carefully follow your schedule and stick to the blocks of time you have defined. During each block, focus only on completing the tasks related to that block. Avoid distractions and try to maximize your work time.

Step 4: Breaks and flexibility

Include short breaks in your schedule between blocks to rest and refresh yourself before moving on to the next task. Also, be flexible and adapt your schedule if urgent tasks or changes in plans arise.

The Time Blocking technique helps you organize your workday, improve your focus and concentration, and increase your efficiency in completing tasks. With clearly defined blocks of time, you can better plan your work, avoid context switching, and give each task the attention it needs. Try this technique in your work and see the positive impact it has on your productivity.