Why we don’t have enough time


Complaints about the acute lack of a few more hours in a day often come from the mouths of people of various ages. Many people ask themselves: what is time management for? This problem is relevant for schoolchildren, students, and for moms in maternity leave, housewives, and for those who just work a lot. It is surprising that some people have enough 24 hours to fulfill a pile of cases, and someone, trying his best to make the day productive, constantly fails. The reason lies in the irrational use of time. There are quite a few signs that hours are being wasted. Some are very obvious, but there are also those that, at first glance, are hidden. The main ones are:

  • Late rising. Those who get up a few hours earlier than he needs to get ready and out of the house have an advantage over the “owls”;
  • In the morning, the body is sleepy and much more alert than at any other time of the day. This increases productivity, which allows you to accomplish much more things during this period;
  • Lack of planning. Without a clear list of tasks for the next day with a time frame, it will not be possible to rationally distribute your forces;
  • Multitasking. This contributes to loss of concentration, which reduces productivity. As a result, all activities are much slower. To speed up the process of performing tasks, you need a strict sequence;
  • Difficulties in prioritization. Assessing cases by degree of importance helps to get satisfaction from the past day. There is a saying, “Prioritize now, prioritize never.” Prioritize things by referring to this principle;
  • Lack of proper rest. Overwork entails fatigue and absent-mindedness. After a good relaxation, productivity skyrockets. You should not bully your body and forcibly trouble it. It is better to competently plan your vacation to prevent a decrease in performance;
  • Vanity and haste. Everything that is done hastily, you often have to correct. This also “kills” time. It is much faster to work qualitatively at once. A fussy person overlooks details, forgets important things, makes mistakes. In order not to become a victim of his own behavior, it is necessary to focus;
  • Depressed mood. The lack of sufficient rest and receiving positive emotions leads to a decline in strength and apathy. In this state, a person can not work productively. Part of his forces and thoughts are directed to the negative. In this matter, bright impressions and positive thinking will help.

Everyone’s “underachievement” can have its own reason or even several. The main thing is to find the root of the problem and correct it. So, what is it, how to manage your time and where to start improving?